Would you like to make some extra cash?
Sell us your old college essays and earn money
Essays we accept
  1. Minimum a 500 word essay.
  2. Plagiarism free. Only upload unique papers which have not been published online before.
  3. Generally we accept essays from USA universities, though, we can also review essays from UK Universities.
  • An essay without a grade
  • Outdated reference list
  • Essay from the UK University
  • Grade B or 80%–89%
  • Grade C or 70%–79%
  • Grade A or 90%-100%
How it works
  1. The essay you want to sell must be written by you and not published anywhere.
  2. Upload the essay on our website or send it to our email address: send@sellmyessays.com.
  3. You will receive a confirmation email saying your essay is being processed.
  4. The Quality Assurance team will review the essay, check for plagiarism and get back to you within 15 working days.
  5. Receive an email if your essay has been accepted/rejected.
  6. Get paid to your PayPal account.
  7. Once payment has been made, the essay becomes our property 100% and we can use it as we wish.
Ready to sell your essay?

    We accept only .doc and .docx files